PE Pinkman, a Retrospective

The insightful Coco Chanel reportedly declaimed, “Everything is fashion.” That statement is as true for fine art today as it is for fashion. Art today seems to be focused on what’s trending, mostly eschewing all but a few artists’ careers over time. This shift in focus leads to a lack of appreciation for an artist’s accomplishments throughout their lifetime. It makes it difficult for artists to build a legacy and leaves behind vast sums of art that are unseen by the general public. In the constantly changing art world, artists are under pressure to constantly produce work that is new and ‘relevant’ to a specific set of nonspecific criteria.  As a result, artists are judged based on their most recent work, rather than the overall impact and influence of that work. What’s left behind is a lack of recognition for dedication and talent that goes into a lifelong art career. It is important to remember that an artist’s entire body of work is one important aspect that defines their legacy.

It’s in that light that this retrospective is being present. It represents an overview of my art accomplishments over the last forty years. One of the most profound aspects of being an artist is what they produce throughout their lifetime and how that characterizes both the artist and the times within which they lived and worked. Their art, their created children, takes on a new life when seen within the context of time. This retrospective provides a biased view of my output through time, place, and a great many changes and experiences. It follows a roughly chronological order.

The works in the groups below represent artwork produced between the years of 1983 and 2023.

Click on a title or image below to see further examples from work of that period.
Within each time period group, you can click on any image to see details about that work.

Auto da Fe

The Trinity Project, 1986, oil on canvas ©2011, PPCD, LLC


Orange, yellow and black, 1988, PE Pinkman, oil on canvas, 72x48

Landscape Reconsidered
1989 to 1991

Blue Light 1990 PE Pinkman

1991 to 1993

Dialog with Myself,

Assemblage Narrative

The Center, 90x52, oil and assemblage, 1994, PE Pinkman

Implied Narrative
1996 to 1997

Wrestling with God, 72x48, 1996, oil on canvas, PE Pinkman

Layered Abstraction
1998 to 1999

Intervention, 1998, oil/acrylic on canvas, 50x48, PE Pinkman

Layered Landscape

CBP.04a, Layered digital photograph. 2004. PE Pinkman

What is a painting?
2008 to 2009

Thursday, 01.24.08, 5:11pm. Hand-manipulated digital image. 2008. PE Pinkman

Human Nature
2012 to 2015

Untitled (John R), Digital image, 2014, PE Pinkman

Love Loss

Canto V, oilstick on paper, 2016, 40x30, PE Pinkman

100 Days of a Pandemic
2020 to 2021


Push, Pull
2021 to 2022

Memento Mori, Oil and Acrylic on canvas, 60x48. PE Pinkman