This is a series of works on paper ranging from the days of realist landscape through two years ago. The works here range from paint on paper to monotypes, lithographs, collage and watercolor. They represent various stages of ideas as they are being worked out.
 “Oh no, we’ve…”, stone lithograph (two stones on a single print), 2003. Approx 24″ x 18″ |
 Fear, stone lithography 2006 ©2011, PPCD, LLC |
 Rake, pencil, charcoal 1999 ©2011, PPCD, LLC |
 Portrait of my mother, mixed media on paper 2002 ©2011, PPCD, LLC |
 Shovel, pencil, charcoal 1999 ©2011, PPCD, LLC |
 Ugliness is beauty, ink, monotype 1996 ©2011, PPCD, LLC |
 Canto-III, oil on gessoed paper 1989 ©2011, PPCD, LLC |
 Vitamin-C2, acrylic and collage on paper 1983 ©2011, PPCD, LLC |
 Brothers, pencil and collage on paper 1983 ©2011, PPCD, LLC |
 La-Touche, pencil and collage on paper 1983 ©2011, PPCD, LLC |
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